
We are holding Meeting for Worship on a Sunday morning at the Meeting House between 10.30 and 11.30am and Wednesday 1 to 1.30pm.  All are welcome.  Please bring a mask if you wish to wear one.

The Meeting House is accepting bookings for room hire. Please contact the office by email as we are working on reduced hours.

Quakers stand alongside victims of racist policies

Quakers in Britain have responded to the global unease about recent political developments around the world with a clear statement asserting that, “Humanity needs leaders of integrity and conscience, ready to be held to account by individuals and institutions, national and international.”

In the statement made on Saturday 4 February by their representative body, Meetings for Sufferings, Quakers say, “There can be no peace without justice; no love without trust; and no unity without equality. Our faith urges us to welcome the stranger as our equal and friend, feed those who are hungry and shelter those who are homeless, needy and frightened.

“Alongside Quakers in the USA, and their American Friends Service Committee, we stand with those whose lives are blighted by racist, discriminatory policies and those whose faith is denigrated by association with a tiny violent minority.”

The full statement from Meeting for Sufferings held at Friends House, Quakers’ central offices in London is here:

“’We are a people that follow after those things that make for peace, love and unity’ (Margaret Fell, writing to Charles II in 1660). Quakers in Britain see these values now under growing threat around the world, not least from recent developments in the United States of America.

“We condemn all acts of government which set people against one another; which discriminate against people because of who they are or where they were born. We reject policies which condone suspicion and hatred; which turn away those who need and depend upon our help. We were not put on Earth for this, but to be a people of God, to live in harmony with each other.

“There can be no peace without justice; no love without trust; and no unity without equality. Our faith urges us to welcome the stranger as our equal and friend, feed those who are hungry and shelter those who are homeless, needy and frightened.

“Alongside Quakers in the USA, and their American Friends Service Committee, we stand with those whose lives are blighted by racist, discriminatory policies and those whose faith is denigrated by association with a tiny violent minority. We pray for the courage and steadfastness that will be needed as we uphold our testimony of equality, justice, peace, sustainability and truth. For us, prayer is inseparable from action.

“Humanity needs leaders of integrity and conscience, ready to be held to account by individuals and institutions, national and international. We pray for those in positions of power. We call on them, as public servants, to work with all of good faith to build the world we seek, to fertilise the soil in which the tender shoots of peace, love and unity may flourish.”

Forthcoming events

Next Local Business Meeting, after Meeting for Worship 1st September 2024

Proposed Dates of Sheffield and Balby Area Business Meetings in 2024

The Sunday meetings do not affect Balby (Doncaster) Meetings for Worship which continue to take place in Doncaster before the Area Business Meetings.

Balby (Doncaster) Quakers will be hosting a half day Area Meeting on Sunday 12th May in the afternoon.

Balby (Doncaster) Quakers will be hosting a full day Area Meeting on Saturday 9th November.